Collins FDC Catalog
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P1001 / Scott 2164
Help End Hunger
Feeding America
Collins Cover Announcement
This is an americana cachet, and it proudly depicts the bounty produced by the American farmer -- a bounty that feeds the U.S.A. as well as much of the world.
With traditional red barn and farm buildings in the background, the foreground is a mural-like rendition of livestock and produce. Beef, pork and poultry are represented by a white-faced beef cow,a well-fed pig, a stately Tom turkey and a pair of colorful chickens. Baskets of potatoes, cauliflower and apples represent
vegetables and fruits. A row of growing corn stalks to the right and a golden bundle of harvested grain to the left stand just in front of the cultivated and plowed fields that stretch to the barn and distant tree line. This full cover (entire) hand-painted cachet is an absolute beauty, and I recommend it as a "must" for any collection.
I went to Washington, D.C. on the early New York Air flight and picked up the stamps. Then, back to New Jersey (the Garden State) and my unofficial city of Farmingdale. Most of the stamps were canceled so that "Farming" is the part of the cancel that shows on the white envelope. It is perfect.
This was a difficult subject to handle, especially with the stark faces on the stamp. I believe that my hand-painted farm scene with the proclamation "America Helps Feed the World" and the Farmingdale unofficial cancel combine to make this one of the top First Day , Covers of 1985. Item #P1001 - $8.50