Collins FDC Catalog
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A3601 / Scott 3652
Andy Warhol
Cover Announcement
Warhol has been called the 'Father of Pop Art," and his work has been called a strange blend of the bizarre and the ordinary. He found artistic expression in the mundane, the common, and the ordinary. His approach was simple and direct, and by 1955, Warhol was the most successfiil commercial artist in New York.
In 1960 he changed overnight from a commercial artist to one of fine art. Warhol's first endeavor in his new field was a series of silk-screened prints of objects from the popular culture. A Campbell's tomato soup can became very famous as did a Brillo box which I show on my hand painted cachet.
In 1963 he became an avant-garde film maker. "Sleep" merely depicted a man sleeping for eight hours. "Empire" was a film of the Empire State Building from dawn to dusk. Personally, I find those to be bizarre rather than artistic, but - to each his own. He went on to produce 52 films, and the later ones had characters, dialogues, and - arguably - plots. Two stars of his cult films, Edie Sedgwick and Chuck Klein did emerge from the underground, and they are shown on my cachet.
Another aspect of Andy'Warhol's legacy was fashion. In the 1960s, he painted flowers that were very bright in color. During the next decade, Halston designed clothing based on these famous "Flower paintings, and I show them as a backdrop in my cachet.
The final component of my cachet is Warhol himself in the lower center. I think my design is bold, and its color composition turned out great. From the pop-art Brillo package to the vivid painted flowers to the cult film stars, it captures the essence of this truly diverse and unique artist. The unconventional Andy Warhol. Collins #A3601 - $12.25.