Collins FDC Catalog
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F3702 / Scott 3782
Louisiana Purchase - Bicentennial
French Troops Retire Their Flag
Collins Cover Announcement
The Louisiana Purchase
French Troops Retire Their Flag
On December 20, 1803, in a ceremony that took place in New Orleans, the French government transferred all of the vast territories of the Louisiana Purchase to the United States of America. In a symbolic military formation, French troops lowered their flag for the last time and retired their colors. U.S. troops then presented the American flag, and the "Stars and Stripes" was raised with a proclamation that the newly acquired territory from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains and from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico was under the control of the United States.
The hand painting on this cachet is crisp and colorful. It portrays the exact moment that France relinquished its claim to any portion of America. Originally I had anticipated doing a three-cover set for this important moment in our nation's history, but I ultimately decided that two covers would be sufficient to commemorate this event. Thus, F3701 (still available at $12.25) depicts President Thomas Jefferson who was responsible for the purchase, and F3702 shows the precise moment that France actually handed over control of the new territory. We are so fortunate that this transaction came about to help shape our current country. French Troops Retire Their Flag — Collins #F3702. $12.25.