Collins FDC Catalog
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K3705 / Scott 3790
Southeastern Lighthouses
Tybee Island, Georgia
Cover Announcement
This new stamp shows the Tybee Island Lighthouse, which was built east of Savannah, Georgia in 1773. To this day, the light continues to guide ships safely into Savannah Harbor, On the site, Tybee Island's first lighthouse was built in 1733 and, when completed, was the tallest one in America. It was destroyed by fire in 1741, and the very next year, the second one was built on the spot. The current one from 1773 was damaged when it was set on fire by Confederate troops during the Civil War. It was repaired when hostilities ended, and on October 1, 2002, the U.S. Coat Guard transferred ownership to the Tybee Island Historical Society.
For my hand painted cachet, I decided to depict the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse on the North Carolina coast. On the beach a crab has made his home in a large knobbed whelk shell. Surrounding the crab are tiny colorfrrl coquina shells and a tube-shaped whelk egg case. Behind this interesting seashore scene, a gentle ocean serenely laps the sandy beach as the tall and stately Cape Hatteras Lighthouse reaches toward the heavens.
With a brilliant sunrise on the new stamp and vivid watercolors on the hand painted cachet, this is a most colorful and interesting cachet that you will enjoy having in your collection. Tybee Island Lighthouse. Collins #K3705 - $12.25