Collins FDC Catalog
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P3704 / Scott 3804
Mary Cassatt Paintings
Young Mother - 1888
Cover Announcement
Young Mother
In this final cover in the Mary Cassatt series, the theme of the young mother on the stamp is continued. In this instance, a young girl joins her mother for afternoon tea. Once again the period dress and the care detail in the portraits pay tribute to Cassatt's drawing techniques.
In the four cachets of this series, I have endeavored to present the careful attention to natural poses that Mary was known for. By the late 1800s and until her death on June 14, 1926, Mary Cassatt had become a preeminent artist in both Europe and the United States. In recognition her achievements, I am pleased to present at $12.25 each "Child in a Straw Hat" (P3701) and "Young Mother" (P3704).