Collins FDC Catalog
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Z3601 / Scott 3766
American Culture
Wisdom, Rockefeller Center, New York City
Cover Announcement
Athena was the Greek Goddess of Divine Wisdom. She personified mental clarity and embodied the spirit of truth. My hand painted cachet depicts Athena in Ancient Greece, standing in front of the Parthenon where she was memorialized. The olive tree was sacred to Athena, but, above all, she was identified with the owl - symbol of wisdom. In fact, the coins of Athens had the head of Athena on one side and her sacred owl on the other. This bold cachet features the Owl of Wisdom standing in front of a mature olive tree.
Many collectors seek out high-value First Day Covers, and their special place in our hobby is a prominent one. This stunning cachet, with its one-dollar Wisdom stamp, will become one of the favorites in your collection. I'm pleased to present Athena - the Ancient Greek Goddess of Wisdom. Collins #Z3601 - $13.50