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Collins FDC Catalog

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B3801 / Scott 3833


Candy Hearts

Mickey & Minnie, Donald & Daisy

Collins Cover Announcement 

Romantic Couples of History and the World


Candy Hearts Love Stamp

When this new Love stamp was issued in January, I knew, of course, that I would continue with my Romantic Couples cachet theme. It has proved very popular for the yearly Love stamps. This time, however, I had something different in mind.

Knowing that the Disney stamps would be issued in June, I decided to do a dual First Day Cover. Not only is this a First Day Cover for the Candy Heart stamp, it is also an FDC for the Mickey and Donald Disney stamp. That makes it very special indeed. For the Romantic Couples, I show those classic' cartoon sweethearts of Mickey and Minnie as well as Donald and Daisy. The hand painting is done in the vivid colors of cartoon art. You will fall in love with this combined Candy Hearts Love and Art of

Disney First Day Cover.

An early sell-out is definitely a possibility as it will be a "must own" for Love and Disney topical collectors as well as present and future Collins collectors. Don't miss this one, and do consider an extra or two to put away for future trade or sale or for the grandldds. Mickey and Donald say "I love you" to Minnie and Daisy with candy hearts. Collins #B3801 — $13.25.

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