Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom
B4401 / Scott 4206 & 4210
Christmas Wildlife
Bald Eagle - “American Christmas”
Collins Cover Announcement
Christmas Wildlife — 2007
Bald Eagle — "American Christmas"
Perched in a winter wilderness landscape, an American bald eagle intently surveys his surroundings. Painted in beautiful and natural watercolors, you will love the realism of this seasonal scene. The mountainous terrain. The snow-covered branches. The grasping talons and the hooked beak. The fine feather detail and the piercing eye. The hand painted border that has become a signature feature of each year's Christmas wildlife cachet. You will truly enjoy this year's edition which I've appropriately entitled "American Christmas."This majestic bird that symbolizes our country seemed to be the perfect choice for my 2007 cachet. It was the bald eagle depicted on my 1989 cover (Collins #R1601) that became an important part of my letterhead and envelope design. I knew that eventually I would choose this magnificent raptor and, since 2007 is the year that Collins was voted "Cachetmaker of the HalfCentury 1951-2000," it seemed that the time was right. Thus, the Collins eagle becomes this year's Christmas wildlife subject, and I'm pleased to offer it for your collection. Collins #B4401 — $13.75.