Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom
N4503 / Scott 4352A
Great Lakes Dunes
Vesper Sparrow & Poecetes Gramineus
Collins Cover Announcement
To be shipped and invoiced at one per month
This habitat set turned out to be one of the most spectacular in terms of the hand painted cachets. The enclosed color illustrations provide excellent examples as to just how beautiful these wildlife paintings are. Of course, the individually watercolored cachets are even more lovely than the photos I've included.
To be honest, dunes along the shores of the Great Lakes are something that I didn't even know existed until I started doing the research. The more I learned, the more excited I became about this project, and, in the end, Collins cachets once again achieved "the best of issue" when compared to any other cachetmaker. The result is wildlife art at its finest.
A wily red fox patrols amid the dune grass with an expanse of white-capped water behind him. Newborn piper plover fledglings explore their windy and sandy surroundings. A magnificent tiger beetle glistens like a living jewel atop a floral crown that reigns over its water's edge domain. Resting on a cluster of beach pea wildflowers, a red admiral butterfly will soon flutter skyward to oversee his Great Lakes territory . With bearberry-covered dunes and driftwood-adorned shoreline stretching out behind them, a pair of common merganser ducks search for a secure nesting site. And a cute wide-eyed white-footed mouse searches for food amid the rocky coast near the picturesque Big Tub Lighthouse. These and four other equally attractive cachets make this beautiful set of ten First Day Covers a true prize for any collection.
So that there will be the necessary time required for hand painting, I will be sending this set at the usual pace of one per month. Over the years, this has worked out well because invoicing at one every four weeks makes them affordable for every hobby budget. The actual watercolored cachets are even more lovely than the enclosed illustrations. I'll be sending the first one, the red fox, in a couple of weeks. Please return the enclosed order form in a timely manner. I'm pleased to offer the wonderful creatures found throughout the Great Lakes dunes.