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Collins FDC Catalog

Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom


C4705 / Scott 4423E

Kelp Forest

Yellowtail Rockfish, White-spotted Rose Anemone

Collins Cover Announcement 

Kelp Forest

Set of 10

The almost magical world of the kelp forest is a naturalist's dream come true. This amazingly lovely set of ten covers presents the interacting drama of beautiful wild creatures large and small living on the northwest coast of America. As a cachetmaker. I couldn't help but get excited about the possibilities when I first saw the stamps, and I must tell you that the finished water colored cachets are stunning.

In my Collins set, large mammals such as California sea lions, harbor seals, and sea otters frolic along the shoreline. In the depths, big ocean travelers such as sharks, orca whales, green turtles, and the giant Pacific octopus bring their powerful presence to the kelp community. Members of the crustacean family that I've included are the Pacific rock crab, jeweled top snail, and northern kelp crab. Adding touches of wildlife variety are the brown pelican and the diminutive but brightly colored seahorse. And finally, of course, is the ever-changing rainbow kaleidoscope of picturesque salt water fish that make their homes in and around this beautiful and seemingly endless forest of kelp seaweed.

The colored illustrations that I'm enclosing are quite good and will give you an excellent idea as to the quality of this Collins set. They are, of course, much smaller than the actual covers, and no illustration can truly portray the true beauty of each individual cachet that has been hand painted in water colors. Over the years, I have used the term "miniature works of art" and that is exactly what these kelp creature renditions are. The wildlife variety in this ten-cover set is amazing:, and you can be sure that these First Day Covers will be sought on the open market in the years to come.

As usual with the larger sets, I'll be sending one per month. This works well because on my end. it allows the time required for hand painting, and on your end, it allows this set to fit into every collector's hobby budget. As always, you can choose to use a credit card for automatic monthly shipments or I will ship your cover each month and invoice you for the next one. The first one, California Sea Lions, is ready to ship now. and before you know it, the whole set will be completed and in your collection. As is always the case, sets will be reserved on a first-come/first served basis, so please return your order form on a timely basis. It is my constant goal to maintain and improve upon the quality of Collins First Day Cover. I believe that this kelp forest set of ten has more than met that objective. I look forward to your receiving each of these cachets and enjoying firsthand the delightful creatures that call our northwest coast their home. Thanks.

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