Collins FDC Catalog
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H4701 / Scott 4424 & 4427
Christmas Wildlife
Gray Squirrel - "A Christmas Tail"
Madonna & Child & Gingerbread Man
Collins Cover Announcement
Christmas Wildlife
Gray Squirrel "A Christmas Tail"
Especially active in both the morning and evening, the gray squirrel is out and about year round. Even in the severe cold of winter, this familiar scampering creature will dig through the snow to retrieve buried nuts. The gray squirrel lives in leafy nests or natural cavities in mature trees. The bushy tail is used primarily for balance in trees but also serves as a sunshade, umbrella, blanket, rudder when swimming, and an extra lifting device when jumping from branch to branch. My individually hand painted cachet shows an active squirrel sitting on a stump. As it nibbles on a nut, it is surrounded by pine cones and seasonal berries. The winter scene is enclosed by the traditional frame I use for this series of Collins cachets. This Christmas wildlife series is unique to my covers, and I have been offering them for over 20 years. Both 2009 stamp issues are used on this cover, and it will be a delightful addition to your collection.
Collins #H4701 —$14.50.