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Collins FDC Catalog

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W4605 / Scott 4414J

Early TV Memories

Ed Sullivan in the Ed Sullivan Show

Cover Announcement 

This fantastic series of individually hand painted covers was like a trip down Memory Lane for me. As you read which early television shows are included in this set, your memory will take you back to those pioneering and often live viewing moments of truly great home entertainment.

The postal committee that selected the new stamps did a great job because the cross-section of programs represented is tremendous. Sit-coms I Love Lucy, Ozzie and Harriet, The Phil Silvers Show, and George Burns and Gracie Allen TV Westerns The Lone Ranger and Hopalong Cassidy Crime dramas Dragnet and Perry Mason Kid shows Howdy Doody, Lassie, and KuHa, Fran, and Ollie Innovative plots in Alfred Hitchcock and Twilight Zone comedy giants Jackie Gleason, Red Skelton, and "Mr. Television" Milton Berle the Granddaddy of television quiz shows Groucho Marx's You Bet Your Life evening viewing mainstays Ed Sullivan, Dinah Shore, and The Tonight Show host Steve Allen.

This set is a first day cover time capsule of American entertainment history. The first one to be sent will be Ed Sullivan and his guest act from England - The Beatles. Thanks.

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