Collins FDC Catalog
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X4501 / Scott 4376
Oregon Statehood - 150th Aniversary
Along the Oregon Trail
Collins Cover Announcement
This stamp celebrates the 150th anniversary of Oregon statehood. For my individually hand painted cachet, I show a family headed west in a covered wagon. Usually such a group traveled with other pioneers in a wagon train for protection and so they could render and receive mutual assistance. The realistic watercolors bring this scene to life, and I highly recommend it as a fine piece of philatelic art.
The Oregon Trail was one of the main overland migration routes on the North American continent. It started at the Missouri River and ended 2,000 miles later in the Oregon Territory. Travelers usually started west in April or May when growing grass would sustain their teams. Settlers going to the Pacific Northwest used the trail between 1841 and 1869, and the trip took five or six months. Once the Transcontinental Railroad was completed in 1869, the use of this historic route west was greatly diminished. I'm very pleased to offer this tribute to the brave pioneers who opened our American West. Along the Oregon Trail — Collins #X4501 — $14.00.