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Collins FDC Catalog

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C801 / Scott 2081

National Archives

Preservation of Historical Records

Collins Cover Announcement 


The two cancels are a highlight of this COLLINS cover. For a change of pace, I acquired the large Washington, D.C. bullseye from the official city. I like the large bullseye because it gives a First Day cover a different look. In this case, it also compliments very nicely the unofficial cancel from Lincoln Park, N.J. Shown on the stamp are the silhouettes of our two most famous presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Accordingly, I felt the best way to go with the official and unofficial cancels was with this presidential connection.

Hand-painted in watercolors, the cachet shows the National Archives Building (which the stamp does not), and it is set in a park-like setting. The trees in the foreground add a generous dash of brightness with their disnlay of autumn foliage.

Presidential stamps and covers are a favorite of topical collectors and with Lincoln AND Washington shown on the same stamp, this FDC will be a very nice addition to your COLLINS collection. Item #C801 - $5.50. 

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