Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

E801 / Scott 2086
New Orleans World Exposition
World's Fair
Collins Cover Announcement
This snectacular Pirst Day Cover is one that you will not want to miss owning. It is an "eye-full" and will rank right up at the
top as one of your COLLINS favorites.
BY far, the hand-painted cachet is the dominating feature of this cover and I would like to give you my impressions of it. Size is the first thing that will grin the viewer for it is very large leaving room only at the right margin for the two stamps and cancels. But size is only the beginning. Presented is a Louisiana nature-scape with creatures that dwell in the bountiful world of fresh water habitats. Packed into this wildlife theme cachet is actior and detail that will hold your attention. ACTION: A bass leaning out of the lake after a flying insect; waterfowl flying overhead and swimming on the surface; and, a Bayou State alligator v7ith laws open wide gliding toward a great blue heron. DETAIL:
checkerboard effect of a turtle's shell; a green frog perched on a shoreline log; and, the finely Plumed great blue heron standing in the shallows by a stand of cattails staring at the approaching
gator as if to say "Look elsewhere for your dinner this day".
Naturally, I am most pleased to present this cover to you based on content as described above - but there is another tremendously imnortant feature about this cachet. The painting technique. For a change of oace and to solicit collector reaction (do let me hear your opinion), this cachet is painted in a slightly more artsy form rather than the precise coloring that is the norm. The cloud-filled sky. The multi-toned water. The accent shading of the wildlife. It is a more "free-form" style. I like it because of the boldness while at the same time keening the detailed aspects.
This cachet was very time-consuming in regard to the hand painting and I believe it will earn a reputation in the hobby. Certainly this item gives present Collectors such as yourself the chance to acguire now something that many future collectors are bound to seek.
If you've seen the stamps, you know that they are attractive in their own right. They are large and have an attractive design featuring "fresh water as a source of life". A single has the New Orleans First Day of Issue small bullseye cancel. A second single has an unofficial First Day from Pearl River, Louisiana. I believe it is a nice related cancel as the "river" part connects with the fresh water theme and the "pearl" signifies the beauty, value and gem-like visual pleasure that the life forms of fresh water habitats give to us. Item #E801 - $8.50.