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Collins FDC Catalog

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G801 / Scott 2088

Performing Arts

Actor Douglas Fairbanks

Collins Cover Announcement 


This issue is another in the Performing Arts Series. The cachet shows Fairbanks as he starred in "Son of Zorro". Presented in the hero image, he is attired in brilliant green shirt and a dashing red sash. Sword is extended and at the ready as he prepares to meet unseen villains.

The unofficial cancel is one that "plays" on the name. From the official city of Denver, the covers traveled up into-the Rocky Mountains along Route 285 - through the mountain towns of Conifer, Orant and Jefferson and on to the destination of Fairplay. Now this unofficial can be considered in at least two ways. First, Douglas Fairbanks /Portrayed those larger-than-life heroes who would only engage in "fairplay" toward everyone including the bad guys. A second way is to break the unofficial in half by syllables. The first,"Fair", aives us the beginning of the actor's name. The second, "play", gives us the performance vehicle that actors have used since ancient times. In our society, all actors aspire to appear in a play on Broadway.

And so, this cover is a pretty good one. The hero is portrayed in the hand-painted cachet in colors coordinated with those in the stamps. A single has "First Day of Issue" cancel from official Denver. An additional single has a nice unofficial from Fairplay, Colorado. It would probably be "fair" of ne to say that it would be a good "play" on your part if you "doug" into your pocket or went to your "bank" so that you can order one of these covers. After all, it had a "rocky" beginning, and you really should "mount" it in your collection. Item #G801 - $5.50. 

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