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Collins FDC Catalog

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J801 / Scott 2090

Performing Arts

Tenor John McCormack

Collins Cover Announcement 


This is a very nice FDC and continues in the tradition of joint U.S. and other country issues. To date I've done Netherlands

(G501), sweden (F601) and Germany (M601). This is the Irish issue and honors tenor John McCormack.

The cachet is a pleasing one and it is done in the map style of Sweden and Germany. Shown is the Emerald Island in various shades of green with the blue coastline. A small portrait of McCormack is at upper left.

I left early for Boston, the First Day City, and while there secured the companion Irish stamn in addition to the United States version. It was then back to Hibernia, N.J. for a great unofficial. Hibernia is another name for Ireland and is often used in the historic or poetic context.

It was a one person Post Office. The Postmistress was terrific sharing with me a soda and much conversation. Much of her time is devoted to animals and it was a pleasure to meet such a nice lady. The Hibernia unofficial cancel with killer bars ties both the Irish and the U.S. stamps to the cover. An additional U.S. stamp has the official Boston bullseve cancel.

A good cover with hand-painted map cachet, with both Ireland and U.S. stamp issues and with nice duo cancels from Boston and Hibernia. Item #J801 - $6.25.

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