Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

M801 / Scott 2092
Waterfowl Preservation Act
50th Anniversary of Waterfowl Preservation Act
Collins Cover Announcements
This cover has to be one of the finest COLLINS FDCs ever produced. I urge each of you receiving this notice to acquire one for your collection -- it is a winner- In addition to the Des Moines bullseye cancel, the unofficial First Day cancel is one of the finest I've ever acquired perhaps the best yet. This great pictorial cancel from "Gander's Nest" in Rochester, Minn, actually pictures a Flying-V of ten migratory birds in various flight positions a large cancel... it is a perfect theme cancel for this issue...and... it is a knock-out cancel in appearance. A knockout. COLLINS was absolutely the only, cover to obtain it and this is your opportunity to add it to your collection. By all means don't miss it.
The Flying-V unofficial cancel is beautifully complemented by a striking wildlife cachet hand-painted in watercolors. A pair of large mallards -- brightly plumed and realistically shown in flight -- will add another positive chapter to the reputation of COLLINS cachets, The drake and hen ducks because of their abundant size possess very detailed artwork, and I believe that you will rate this among your favorite COLLINS FDCs.
Arriving early at the Des Moines Post Office, I chatted briefly with AFDCS Auction Chairman Bill Llovd. I met for the first time Iowa cachetmaker Rick Chase. I visited with new cachetmaker George Van Natta and his sons. It was a busy place. By late morning I was on my flight to Rochester, Minn. via Omaha, Nebraska. The "Gander's Nest" cancel was conceived by the P.O. as a means to bring attention to the 30,000 migratory birds – geese and ducks – that winter over in Rochester. I would like to thank Washington collector Eric Jakel for suggesting it to me.
Just as I recently recommended the CCC, Treaty of Paris and Alaska/Hawaii FDCs -- I once again recommend that this cover be added to your collection now. You shouldn’t miss out. The duo cancels -- bullseye official from Des Moines, Iowa and pictorial unofficial Gander's Nest Flying-V from Rochester, Minn. will forever make it a significant collectible from this very popular issue. The hand-painted cachet -- the pair of flying mallards in beautiful and natural colors – make it a "must" for COLLINS collectors, wildlife topical collectors and duck collects. I am personally very happy when I can offer you a cover such as this one -- it is sure to please and will most certainly add much to the appearance of your collection. Item M801 - $6.00
Note: Technically in addition to this FDC for the Wetlands issue, the $7.50 Migratory Duck cover will also be considered COLLINS Wetlands First Day since it also features this new 20c stamp. Any specialized collector, now or in the future, will need to hunt down and acquire both of these FDCs.