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Collins FDC Catalog

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Q801 / Scott 2096

Smokey Bear

Wildfire Prevention Campaign

Collins Cover Announcement 

Raging Inferno 

This second COLLINS cachet variety is assuredly the most dramatic design you have ever seen on a First Day Cover. It fills the whole envelope and it is startling. Amber, yellow and red flames jump skyward across the near horizon. To look at this raging inferno is, I believe, another break-through for COLLINS FDCs . The realism is something that can't be described here -- you'll have to see II for yourself. I can guarantee that it will evoke a comment from everyone who views it in Your collection. I can also state that it will be one of the most unusual and visually appealing FDCs that you will ever see.

In the forearound a deer and rabbit flee the blazing horror behind them. Charred trunks are remnants of the majestic trees that previously were. And now aren't. To one of these trunks clings a small bear cub. Bewildered. Forlorn. Scared. This clinging cub is as it appears on the stamp for I have taken the Smokey stamn and made it part of the cachet. The stamp itself comes to life -- the stump amona many others; the baby hear among fleeing animals; and the gray background now part of the gray, smoke-filled sky.

You really must see this cover to appreciate its composition and execution. It's most unusual and appealing. Item ,#0802 - $7.50

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