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Collins FDC Catalog

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S701 / Scott 1862

Great Americans

Harry S. Truman - 33rd President of the United States

Collins Cover Announcement 


The handpainted cachet on this cover is vintage Truman. He is walking forward "out of" the cachet with the White House in the background. Shown in his familiar attire of suit, bowtie, hat, overcoat and tie, I believe that this is a very good representation of the man from Missouri who pulled one of the biggest political upsets in U.S. history.

In D.C., I serviced the covers securing the "First Day of Issue" hand cancel. Then, a quick flight north and on to my unofficial city of Whitehouse, N.J. This village post office is located in the back of a small deli and the Postmistress was most friendly. The unofficial Whitehouse hand cancel ties an additional single to the cover and really makes it a fine collectable.

Item No. S701 - Price $5.50

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