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Collins FDC Catalog

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T805 / Scott 2101


Black & Tan Coonhound &  American Foxhound

Collins Cover Announcement 

DOGS - Set of Four

This is a marvelous set of First Day Covers and surely will take its place with other classic COLLINS FDCs as a "must" acquisition for present and future collectors. Take these four covers to any stamp store, to any stamp show, or to any stamp club meeting. Compare them with any other cacheted covers you find for this issue and then judge for yourself why I am so high on them. A few words about each.

Across a snow blanketed meadow a long-eared hare sprints over the winter stillness. Close on the rabbit's trail is a pursuing Beagle intent on its quarry. The action of the chase is very effective because it is portrayed against the majestic quiet of the winter day. The white surface of the fresh fallen snow is unblemished except for the hare's tracks that link the hunted to the hunter. Behind the rolling meadow are the snow draped hardwoods and conifers of the tree line. A distant purple mountain range with snowy peaks stretching into a blue sky crowns the cachet. A single Beagle stamp has the official First Day bullseye cancel from New York City.

In contrast to the harsh winter season, the next cachet captures a summer scene of rural America. A flock of sheep is making its way down a grassy hillside to a pathway below. The wooly creatures are meandering along - some are grazing and a lamb is even trying to nurse at its mother's side. Some of the sheep have reached the bottom while others are just coming into view at the top of the knoll. A pretty picture set against the green grass. On the path, an alert Collie watches over the flock. This beautiful "Lassie" breed dog helps to herd the flock to its destination and will be both guide and guardian. This cachet captures a peaceful, pastoral setting and ewe will love it. A single Collie stamp has the official First Day bullseye cancel from New York City.

In Autumn, the migratory birds take to the airways for their long journey south. In the stern of a weathered rowboat, a magnificent Chesapeake Bay Retriever waits in eager anticipation. Three geese wing skyward over the water. A solitary leaf drifts unnoticed over the boat's reflection. Green and gold reeds stand tall at the water's edge. But all is overshadowed by the poised and dominant Retriever waiting for the command to spring into action. Truly a strong and forceful cachet. A single Retriever stamp has an unofficial First Day cancel from Kenilworth, N.J.

The lush green of late spring highlights the final action-packed cachet. A stone wall spans an emerald field and over the wall and across the field the "hunt" is under way. Four hounds are full of excitement and energy as they give chase. Three have cleared the pictures aud stone wall and the fourth is at the top of his leap. Also going over the stone barrier is a brightly attired huntsman mounted on a beautiful jumper. The horse and hound going up and over the wall side by side really give this cachet a look that is outstanding. At the far side of the field, a woodlands backdrop puts the entire action-packed scene in perspective. Oh yes, one final word. To the lower left, the concealed, brazen red fox joins you in watching his pursuers rush by his hiding place: A single Foxhound stamp has an unofficial First Day cancel from Kenilworth, N.J.

In all honesty, I have tried not to overstate the appearance of these four First Day covers. In fairness to you, I must not understate them because they indeed form a beautiful set. The handpainted cachets are very large, leaving just enough room for stamp, cancel and text. Dogs, animals and pets are favorite topics, so I know the interest will be high as it is for other popular topics such as sports, space and wildlife. It is a clear possibility that this set may sell out immediately, so if you want one or more do consider ordering fairly soon. As with all of my covers, there is a money-back guarantee, so you risk nothing by obtaining a set(s). I can say that any cover collector who sees this set in person won't want to send it back. Four large, lovely hand-painted cachets. Two official and two unofficial (souhd alike: Kennel Worth) cancels. A very popular topic - dogs. A very good chance that the set will be an immediate or quick sell out. As you know, this will make it very difficult to obtain.

Multiple orders are o.k., but as always, I may have to place limits depending on demand. A cover collector's delight. Set of four. Item #T802 - $25.00

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