Collins FDC Catalog
Please send comments to Collinsfdcat@AOLcom

U801 / Scott 2102
Crime Prevention
McGruff, The Crime Dog
Collins Cover Announcement
I wanted to include this cover with the two Smokeys because I think this one is their equal in artistic accomplishment and personal appeal. It is one of the finest of all of my covers and you will be delighted with it. Following in the technique of my St. Francis FDC (and now Smokey, also), I have taken this Crime Prevention stamp and made it part of the cachet. The effect is overwhelming. It is great! I have given 'McGruff a body -- he now has a full length trenchcoat and feet and a tail. He is standing in front of a red-bricked jailhouse and is pointing over his shoulder -- at a couple of glum tabby-cats, attired in their Prison striped uniforms. On the opposite side of the jailhouse from mcGruff stands a solid symbol of Law and Order in the nersonification of a uniformed bulldog policeman. Attired in a crisp blue sergeant's uniform, the bulldog cop gazes across at McGruff and at once the viewer realizes that these two law enforcement officers have the situation well in hand.
The cachet takes up the whole cover and it is really presented in a cute and entertaining fashion. The cancel is the Washington, D.C. bullseye. This will be the "best cachet" for this issue. With the stamp used as part of the cachet design, it is a very unique, a very light-hearted, and a very well done First Day Cover. It will be searched out by collectors of future years and you will be very happy if you add it to Your collection now. Item #U801 - $7.50