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Collins FDC Catalog

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W801 / Scott 2105

Eleanor Roosevelt

First Lady & Diplomat

Collins Cover Announcement

Eleanor Roosevelt

This traditional 1984 COLLINS features two cancels, a combination FDC with Franklin Roosevelt (#1950) and a pleasing hand-painted cachet.

The companion FDR is teamed with the new Eleanor, and both are tied with the Official "First Day of Issue" cancel from Hyde Park, New York. It was then on to Roosevelt, New Jersey where a second Eleanor has the Unofficial cancel. This cover will be of particular interest to FDR and Presidential specialists.

In the cachet, Eleanor is shown in two roles. Visiting a wounded serviceman, she is attired in a khaki uniform, and doing volunteer hospital work she is wearing a medical coat. The multi-colored cachet contrasts nicely with the dark blue stamps. Item #W801 - $6.00.

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