Collins FDC Catalog
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Y701 / Scott 1868
Great Americans
Lillian Gilbreth - Psychologist, Industrial Engineer, Consultant, and Educator
Collins Cover Announcement
The .40 valuation of this stamp is one reason to consider adding it to your collection -- the higher face amount combined with the
relatively unknown subject -- will result in fewer cachetmakers having done this issue. More than a few will skip it in favor of the more popular stamps. Most will have made no attempt at obtaining unofficials and very few duos will exist. No doubt, therefore, that this COLLINS will stand out in future cachet catalogs and accordingly will be a good one to have.
This stamp was issued only about an hour from my home. It is officially canceled "First Day of Issue" in Montclair, N.J. where Lillian received her degree. She gained a reputation as one of the first female engineers but she was also a well known author. One of her more widely read works was the popular "Cheaper by the Dozen". The traditional bordered COLLINS cachet depicts the subject herself, an industrial complex representing her engineering accomplishments and a volume representing her literary achievements. As always it is hand painted in careful detail. Gilbreth died in Oakland, Calif. and an additional .40 cent stamp is unofficially canceled in Oakland, N.J. which forever will document that this cover was one of the relatively few actually done on the First Day of Issue. Not flashy. Not spectacular. But as solid as a FDC can be. Item #Y701 - $6.00