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N4702 / Scott 4447

Cowboys of the Silver Screen

Tom Mix

“America’s Favorite Cowboy”

Collins Cover Announcement 

Cowboys of the Silver Screen


This handsome and rugged actor made over 300 movies between 1910 and 1935 and became the first Western rnegastar. His roles and the way he portrayed his characters helped define the "motion picture cowboy" for all the Western movie actors that followed him.

In 1905, Mix road in the Inaugural parade for Theodore Roosevelt in a group of 50 horsemen which included several former Rough Riders. Years later, Hollywood publicity agents would imply that Tom himself was a Rough Rider. A few years later, he worked for the 101 Ranch in the Oklahoma Territory and stood out as a skilled horseman and expert shot. In 1909, he won the National Riding and Rodeo Championship.

In the 1920s he made many matinee cowboy films. Tom was the clean-cut hero and always insisted on doing his own stunts. With his fine horse, Tony, Mix quickly became a Western star. His roles called for flashy cowboy costumes and quick-paced action stunts as well as a heavy dose of showmanship. His last movie was a 15-episode serial in 1935 entitled "The Miracle Rider. "

As does William Hart, Tom Mix has a star in Hollywood and is a member of the Cowboy Hall of Fame. When Ronald Reagan and John Wayne were youngsters, the hard-riding and straight-shooting actor was "America's Favorite Cowboy" — Tom Mix. Collins # M4702 —$14.00.

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