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Q4701 / Scott 4461

Legends of Hollywood

Katherine Hepburn - Actress

Collins Cover Announcement 

Katharine Hepburn

Legends. of Hollywood

Born on May 12, 1907, this amazing actress went on to star in films and television as well as on the stage. The American Film Institute ranks her as the greatest female star in the history of America cinema.

Katharine won her first Oscar for her role in "Morning Glory." After starring in the Broadway play, "The Philadelphia Story," she went on to play the same lead in the hit film. Many of her movie co-stars were legends in their own right — Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, John Wayne, and Henry Fonda. Her greatest and longest co-star success, however, was with Spencer Tracey. Beginning in 1942 with "Woman of the Year" they teamed up for many hit films ending with I967's "Guess Who's Corning to Dinner." Early on they fell in love and had a decades-long romantic affair.

My individually hand painted cachet features a young Hepburn conveying the same self-assurance that was a mainstay of her roles and her life. I'm pleased to pay tribute to a true legend of Hollywood — Katharine Hepburn. Collins #Q4701 — $14.00.

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