Collins FDC Catalog
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H4903 / Scott 4550
U.S. Merchant Marine
Liberty Ship
Collins Cover Announcement
Merchant Marine Ships
Liberty Ship
The Merchant Marine is a civilian auxiliary of the U.S. Navy, but it is not a uniformed branch except in times of war. During conflict, members of the Merchant Marine are considered military personnel as set forth in the Congressional Act of 1936. In 1988, President Reagan signed a bill into law granting veteran status to Mariners who served in World War II.
During the Second World War, America built more than 2700 Liberty Ships that provided a steady supply of war materials and food to our overseas military forces and those of our allies. My individually hand painted cachet shows one of these sturdy ships that braved enemy submarines to keep our united war effort going. Now available is my cover that pays tribute to the brave crews of the World War II Liberty Ships. Collins #H4903 — $14.00.