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Collins FDC Catalog

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O4801 / Scott 4504


George Washington

Collins Cover Announcement 

George Washington

This cover has a lot going for it in terms of overall visuals as the stamps and hand painted cachet all come together to make this a really nice collectible.

Since the stamps are twenty-cent denomination, I used two of them plus two of the red, white, and blue star stamps to meet postage requirements. The placement of these stamps in a block pattern with the First Day of Issue bullseye cancellation, tying them to the envelope with a center strike, really looks good.

As for George, I decided to show him in his militia uniform before the War for Independence officially began. It has more color than his later Continental Army uniform. As an added detail, a gorget hangs around his neck. Originally a piece of armor for the throat, in the 18th Century it had evolved to a

crescent-shaped ornament hung on a chain around the neck as a badge of rank.

About a year ago, I read an article about a "life-mask" that Washington had made. It was being studied by the Smithsonian, and an illustration provided the actual features of the father of our country. Thus, the dimensions and features of this portrait are from the mask that George had made of his own face. This is an excellent First Day Cover. George Washington — Collins #P4801 is now ready at $14.00.

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