Collins FDC Catalog
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O4902 / Scott B4
Save Vanishing Species
Amur Tiger Cub
Collins Cover Announcement
Save Vanishing Species
Mother Tiger with Cubs
Exclusive tiger paw Pictograph tying stamp to envelope
This stamp was sold to raise money for the Multination Species Conservation Funds. With a fantastic tiger design on the stamp, I decided to do several cachets as the cause is very worthwhile and necessary, and the First Day Cover possibilities were intriguing. The first two cachets offered met with an enthusiastic reception by Collins collectors, and they are now close to being sold out. (If you want them, order soon or they will be gone.) The first cachet featured a large male Siberian tiger, and it was a truly bold and dominating rendition. The second cachet featured all five of the vanishing species that this stamp is intended to help save (tigers, great apes, rhinos, marine turtles, and elephants), and the positive collector feedback has been incredible. Now I'm ready to offer my third and final cachet for this terrific stamp.
A mother tiger with two young cubs done in realistic watercolors make this First Day Cover a true gem. One of the youngsters stands close to mom as she gently bathes it with her tongue. The other cub snuggles against her powerful chest for loving security. Baby tigers are cute kittens at birth, but their twelve-inch size increases quickly. They are full of energy and very playful as they spend their days wrestling and chasing each other. Amazingly, a mother tiger will stay with her cubs for several years to keep them safe. The individually hand painted cachets, combined with the heart-warming design, will ensure that this appealing cover will become a personal favorite.
There is one other exclusive component that this Collins cover has which you will not find on any other. To emphasize the purpose of this set, I included a distinctive and special addition to my cachet. A pictograph paw appears to the left of the stamp with text above and below. It reads "Track of the Tiger — Keep it Wild." This pictorial reminder will always draw attention to the fact that new preserves for vanishing species must be established. The cover is a "purr-fect" example of an "entire" where the cachet, stamp, and postmark fill the entire face of the envelope. Please order soon as a quick sell-out is very possible. Along with several others, I plan to enter all three of my tiger covers in this year's National Cachetmaker's contest. I think a winner may be lurking in the group, but in all honesty, I am so pleased with all of the designs that I would be hard pressed to choose my favorite. The last one is now ready — an attentive mother tiger with her two adorable cubs. And the pictograph paw with "Track of the Tiger — Keep it Wild" tying
the new stamp to the envelope. Collins #O4902 —$14.50.