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Collins FDC Catalog

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O4903 / Scott B4

Save Vanishing Species

Amur Tiger

Cover Announcement 

Quintet of Vanishing Species

A superb individually hand painted

First Day Cover featuring all five of the

species this stamp is helping to protect

This semipostal stamp is helping to raise awareness and funds to protect present habitat and secure new areas where the magnificent species shown on my cachet can gain population growth and escape extinction. At first, a marine turtle was going to be shown on the stamp, but that idea was discarded because it would be almost impossible to generate emotion based on a turtle's face. When a meeting was held by representatives from various groups working to save the five species, it was ultimately agreed to show a tiger because it "is a gorgeous animal." Funds raised will be helping all of the species shown survive.

As you can imagine, this cover is a fabulous wildlife First Day Cover because the watercolors used on each and every individual cachet bring these awesome creatures to life. The collage format that I've chosen makes it possible to present each in natural, lifelike colors, and I must assure you that the result is truly excellent.

It is not too often that I have a chance to present animals found outside of the United States because they just don't appear on U.S. stamps very frequently. As the saying goes, "when opportunity knocks, grab it" and I did. The potential vanishing species of tigers, elephants, mountain gorillas, rhinoceroses, and sea turtles are all represented on this incredible cover. I'm pleased to offer five dynamic wildlife creatures of our world. Quintet of Vanishing Species. Collins #O4903 - $14.50.

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