Collins FDC Catalog
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R4903 / Scott 4574
Christmas Ornaments
Blue Holiday Bauble
Rudolph cachet
Collins Cover Announcements
Holiday Baubles
Joining the previously offered Jack Frost and Santa Claus covers, Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer is now ready. The young and spirited "button buck" (so named for his new, just visible antler growth) is shown encircled by a holiday wreath. The Christmas deer has a sleigh-bell collar and wears a leather halter. He is ready to assume his role of leading Santa's team with his famous nose lighting the way.
The large evergreen wreath is decorated with pinecones and seasonal ribbons and is festively anchored with a big red bow and a yuletide bell. It is a perfect frame for "the most famous reindeer of all." I'm pleased to offer my third fictional Christmas character in the Holiday Baubles set of four. The last one will be announced soon. Rudolph — Collins #R4903 — $14.00.