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Collins FDC Catalog

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S4811 / Scott 4524J

Go Green

Ride A Bike

Great Smokey Mountains National Park

Cover Announcement 

The Best of America Wildlife

Featuring National Parks & Recreation Areas

Preserve Our Environment Set of Sixteen

This superb set captures the best of American wildlife in their natural habitats throughout the scenic splendor of our preserved parklands. From coast to coast and from north to south, sixteen of our most awesome mammals and sixteen of our most beautiful birds are preserved in amazing realism as each cachet is individually hand painted with detail that is hard to believe. Every bit of color in this set (as is the case with ali of my cachets) is the result of incredibly time consuming wateicoloring brush stroke by painstaking brush stroke. This will be one of the finest wildlife sets ever created in the history of our First Day Cover hobby.

Every species that appears in this set is after much thought and consideration. My goal was to include sixteen of the most impressive native mammals that roam our wilds and sixteen of the most beautiful or interesting birds. Every cachet will have one animal and one bird, and the chosen pair will appear in the natural habitat of their range situated in one of our most famous national parks or recreation areas. 

The combinations are incredible and, when you savor the following pairs, you'll quickly realize why I am so excited about this amazing wildlife set. The majestic moose and curious Alantic puffin in Acadia National Park. The adorable black bear cub and the elusive bob white qnail in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The sly gray fox and the secretive green heron in Cape Hatteras National Seashore. The stealthy mountain lion and the inspiring bald eagle in Grand Teton's National Park. The regal Roosevelt elk and the red-crested pileated woodpecker in the Olympic Rain Forest.  The rugged bison and the wary hooded merganser duck in Yeliowstone National Park. The phantom-like snowy

owl and the northland's dall sheep in Denali National Park. The diminutive key deer and the pink roseate spoonbill in the Florida Keys. All of the above make this set a wildiife bonanza,'s only the half-way mark.

To complete this Go Green series, the following pairs are also included. The playful river otter and the swift osprey in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The inquisitive raccoon and the statuesque great blue heron in Cape Cod National Seashore. The speedy plonghorn and the large Caiifornia condor in Grand Canyon National Park. The sure-footed mountain goat and the soaring golden eagle in Rocky Mountains National Park. The tawny bobcat and the nocturnal great horned owl in the Blue Ridge Mts. of Virginia. The powerful bighom sheep and the blazing road runner in Yosemite National Park. The fearsome grizzly bear and the fan-tailed wild turkey in Glacier National Park. And last but certainly not least are the fabled timber wolf and the multi-colored wood duck in Isle Royale National Park. This is most assuredly the finest group of Norlh American wildlife ever to be featured on a such a concise set of First Day Covers. All of these magnificent creatures in sixteen hand painted cachets!

I have absolutely no doubt that this series wili be judged the finest produced for the Preserve Our Environment - Go Green stamps. My long-term collectors know that I have loved the great outdoors all my life and that wildiife is one of my favorite topics. This Collins set will be avidly sought by all those who seek wildlife art and Americana on their First Day Covers - not to mention future Collins collectors. Now ready is the Preserve Our Environment American Wildlife set at $14.00 each. Thanks.

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