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Collins FDC Catalog

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S4901 / Scott 4570 & 4573

Christmas Wildlife

Silvertip Grizzly Bear - "Silver Hair/Frosty Air"

Blue Holiday Bauble Ornament

Collins Cover Announcement 

Christmas Wildlife

Silvertip Grizzly Bear - "Silver Hair/Frosty Air"

In a Collins winter tradition that goes back to 1988, I offer a wildlife cachet each year, and making an appearance this year is a large silvertip grizzly bear. These large bruins are so named for the silver-tipped hairs that sometimes appear on the head and neck regions of older adult bears. This beautiful specimen stands on snow-covered ground in front of a frozen river. Now taking its place in this wildlife series is the awesome grizzly bear. Collins #S4901 —$14.50.

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