Collins FDC Catalog
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B5101 / Scott 4703
War of 1812 Bicentennial
U.S.S. Constitution by Mechele Felice Corne
Cover Announcement
The individually hand painted cachet for this Collins First Day Cover shows the USS Constitution as it catches favorable winds and majestically sails on the open sea. There is over 42,000 square feet of sail on three masts, and this watercolored cachet is a wonderful example of maritime art.
The ship was namecl by President George Washington and was launched in 1797. It was designed and buiit as a 44-gun frigate but often carried more than fifty cannons. The regular crew was 450 which included fifty-five Marines. Its first action was to subdue the Barbary pirates from Algiers who were seizing merchant vessels in the Mediterranean. In the War of 1812, "Old lronsides" defeated five British warships and earned its famous nickname.
Today the Constitution is a fully commissioned U.S. Naval ship and has a crew of sixty officers and sailors who conduct educational programs and participate in special events. It is considered an honor to be selected to serve in this crew. Retired from active service in 1881, the famous frigate completed a three-year, ninety port tour of the United States tn 1934. She sailed under her own power in 1997 to celebrate her bicentennial and again in August of 2012 to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of her victory over the British warship HMS Guewiere. Accordingly, the first day of issue date is August 18, 2012.
It is with a sense of awe and honor that I now offer this First Day Cover in tribute to the USS Constitution. It is the world's oldest commissioned naval vessel still afloat. From the time of George Washington to the present day - "Old Ironsides" - Collins #B5101 - is now ready at $14.00.