Collins FDC Catalog
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F5005 / Scott 4622
Bonsai Trees
Collins Cover Announcementg
Azalea with Sun Conure
Also known as the sun parakeet, the sun conure is a medium-sized brightly colored parrot. Both females and males are the same in appearance with body feathers of gold and yellow, green on the wings, -and orange and red head and-frontal-body colorations. It is-readily-apparent why-this vivid and beautiful bird was named after the blazing sun.
The bonsai tree in this individually hand painted cachet is the pink azalea. A picturesque waterfall spills its flow into a serene pool in which a meditating Buddha sits. A few water plants add to the lovely setting.
Now ready is the delicately shaped pink azalea and the striking sun conure — both of which flank the Buddha in its tranquil pool. Collins #F5005 at $14.00.