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Collins FDC Catalog

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G5001 / Scott 4624

Black Heritage

John H. Johnson - Magazine Publisher

Collins Cover Announcement 

John H. Johnson

One of the first things that collectors will note about this cover is that the first day of issue postmark is a pictorial from Arkansas City, Arkansas. Relatively few covers will have this hand cancellation from Johnson's birthplace which makes it a very nice feature.

John was a trailblazing publisher and businessman, and his most successful venture was "Ebony" magazine which emphasized the achievements of successful African-Americans. Fashioned after "Life" and" Look" magazines, its circulation soared, and it was one of the main reasons that Johnson became one of the 400 Tichestindividuals in America.

My hand painted cachet features both "Ebony" and "Jet" — another of Johnson's publications. It was started in 1951 and was a weekly news digest. It is a crisp-looking First Day Cover, and with the pictorial First Day postmark and famous personalities on the magazines, I really like the way it turned out. After getting started with his publishing endeavors, this energetic entrepreneur founded life insurance and cosmetic companies, bought three radio stations, and started a television production station.

John H. Johnson went on to serve the United States government on various diplomatic missions in Africa. He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1996 from Bill Clinton. Several years later he was presented with the prestigious "Wall Street Journal Entrepreneurial Excellence Award." From humble beginnings in rural Arkansas, this industrious and insightful man achieved much in the freeenterprise system that makes our country so great. He is an excellent example of what personal dedication and hard work can obtain. This cover is a tribute to a very successful entrepreneur — John H. Johnson. Collins #G5001 — at $14.00.

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