Collins FDC Catalog
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G5101 / Scott 4711
Christmas Religious
Holy Family & Donkey
Collins Cover Announcement
Christmas Religious 2012
"Joy to the World"
This is the sixth year in which my individually hand painted cachet is based upon a traditional Christmas song. When considering the lyrics, the word "nature" popped out at me, and I knew I wanted to go in that direction with my cachet. Singing in nature can be directly associated with songbirds, so I decided that this would be my main working objective. Both the left and right borders of the individually watercolored cachets show various birds sitting on the boughs of-evergreen-pine trees. At the top is a soothing celestial rendition and, taken together, this cover does indeed let "Heaven and nature sing."
As with the previous cachets in this series, part of the lyrics are shown. Two winter bunnies sit and listen to the chorus of their feathered friends. Join them by adding this lovely wildlife cover to your collection as Heaven and nature sing to bring "Joy to the World." Collins #G5101 at $14.00.