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Collins FDC Catalog

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H5102 / Scott 4714


 Reindeer Over Roof

Collins Cover Announcement 

Christmas 2012

Santa's List

It's a snowy Christmas Eve day at the North Pole, and the epic annual journey is at hand. Santa has made his list and is checking it twice as a reindeer looks on. The hand painting really gives a nice look to this seasonal cover, and it is framed by a colorful border with sleigh bells and holiday bows at the comers.

Since a Christmas wish list was part of the cachet design, I took the opportunity to turn back the calendar to a time when our own children were youngsters. Each of their names and the wished for gifts appear on Santa's list, so it gives this cachet a nice connection to the Collins family.

The stamp on this one is the team landing on a snow-covered rooftop. A traditional Santa and a striped North Pole provide just the right Christmas blend with the inquisitive reindeer an extra touch. Now ready is Santa's List as children across the world go to sleep with "visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads." Collins #H5102 —$14.00

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