Collins FDC Catalog
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H5105 / Scott 4713
“First Days” Christmas Presentation Cover
Blue Sweater Variety
Collins Cover Announcement
Special "First Days" 201 2 Christmas Cover
Each year Peter Martin, editor of First Days magazine, presents a special Christmas First Day Cover to contributors and others who helped make the previous year's publications a success. For 2012 he honored Collins Cachets by asking me to produce the annual First Day Cover. His illustration requirements are that he as editor must appear and that a typewriter also be included. I chose to show Mr. Martin through a window pane wearing a Christmas cap and sitting near a decorated tree. All of the covers with this cachet have the "Santa in Sleigh" stamp.
It has always been my policy to make sure that my collectors obtain each cachet design that I do so that is the ori6n of this special Christmas First Day Cover. Still coming will be my regular Collins Covers for the 2012 Chrisunas stamps. And, to make this a truly unique cachet, I've put Peter in a blue sweater which will make it a distinct and desirable collectible.
The selection of Collins Cachets for this year's cover in the First Days Christmas presentation series will enhance further reputation of my First Day Covers. I'm happy that I can share this recognition by creating the "blue-sweater variety." Collins #H5105 at $14.00.