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Collins FDC Catalog

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I5001 / Scott 4627

Arizona Statehood Centennial

Cathedral Rock

Collins Cover Announcement 

Arizona Statehood

The Grand Canyon's Angel Bright Trail

This famous American trail is used by mule riders and hikers to reach the Colorado River on the floor of the Grand Canyon. The trail head is on the south rim of the canyon in the main park area and descends 4,380 feet in over eight miles to the river below. It is officially rated as a strenuous trail with sev re w-e-ather, over-exertion, and dehydratfon being the main hazards. Loose footing, rock falls, and encounters with wildlife are other potential dangers that lurk along the trail, and park rangers do patrol it on a regular basis.

Mule trail rides are very popular, and the reliable animals are highly trained. My hand watercolored cachet shows two riders ascending the Angel Bright Trail with the Grand Canyon vista serving as a spectacular backdrop. The coloration of the cachet coordinates nicely with the new stamp, and I think you will enjoy having this unusual national park Collins cachet in your collection.

I'm pleased to offer Arizona Statehood with mules on the Angel Bright Trail, Grand Canyon National Park. Collins #K5001 at $14.00.

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