Collins FDC Catalog
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J5101 / Scott 4716F
Lady Bird Johnson
Collins Cover Announcement
Lady Bird Johnson
Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Johnson was First Lady of the United States from 1963 to 1969 during the presidency of her husband Lyndon B. Johnson. While still a baby, her nurse commented that she was as "purty as a ladybird," and that reference actually replaced her first name for the rest of her life.
Lady Bird founded the "Society for a More Beautiful National Capital" which resulted in the planting of millions of flowers. One of her most remembered quotes is, "where flowers bloom, so does hope," and this statement appears on the cover. The individually hand painted cachet shows the First Lady in the midst of a bed of flowers. Her new portrait stamp as well as a floral stamp issued at the same time are tied to the envelope with a first day of issue bullseye postmark from Austin, Texas. The floral stamp shows the Capitol dome and proclaims, "Plant for more beautiful cities."
Now ready is the First Lady who worked long and hard to make America a country with numerous s 05101 at $14.50.