Collins FDC Catalog
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O5002 / Scott 4665
Civil War Sesquicentennial
Battle of Antietam
Collins Cover Announcement
Battle of Antietam
Also known as the Battle of Shatpsburg, this fierce engagement was the first battle of the Civil War to take place in Union territory. It was fought on September 17, 1862 at Antietam Creek, and at day's end it became the bloodiest single day battle in American History with 22,717 dead, wounded, or missing.
The northern general Joseph Hooker ordered morning attacks against Robert E. Lee's army that was entrenched behind Antietam Creek. Attacks and counter attacks filled the day over Miller's cornfield and around the Dunker Church. Finally, Union general Ambrose Burnside captured a strong bridge over the creek and attacked the Confederates. My hand painted cachet shows a southern scouting party of three troopers in the days before the battle as they assess the strategic importance of the bridge. It's a most attractive Civil War First Day Cover.
Burnside's initiative was short lived as the Gray's general A.P. Hill arrived from Harper's Ferry and led his division in a surprise counter attack forcing Burnside to retreat and ending the tragic Battle of Antietam. Collins #05002 at $14.00.