Collins FDC Catalog
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U5002 / Scott 4690
BMX Biking
Collins Cover Announcement
Bicycling America
BMX Biking
BMX is the name of a popular bicycle model that is used for both casual riding and sport. It is used mainly for dirt and motocross cycling, and "BMX" is an abbreviation for bicycle motocross. This type of riding began in southern California in the early seventies when kids began racing their bikes on dirt tracks. Within a few years, manufacturers began creating bicycles for the sport. The term "BMX bike" is now used to include racing, dirt, park, street, -flatland, and freestyle disciplines of the-sport.
My individually hand painted cachet features a young BMX rider enjoying a casual outing under the gaze of the Mount Rushmore presidents. This inspiring, carved monument is one of our greatest landmarks and is in keeping, with my "Bicycling, America" theme. The previous two covers were scenes at the Liberty Bell and in Gettysburg National Military Park. This cover certainly encompasses Americana as it shows a youngster enjoying_ the great outdoors at one of our national treasures while participating in a sport he loves.
BMX is one of the foundation events at the Summer X Games Extreme Sports competition and is now included in the Olympics. Pioneers of the sport include George Esser who founded the BMX National Bicycle League in 1974 in Florida and Bob Haro who is known as "The Farther of BMX Freestyle". My BMX Biking First Day Cover, a tribute to George and Bob as well as to sport in America, is now ready. Collins #U5002 at $14.00.