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Collins FDC Catalog

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U5003 / Scott 4689


Bike Racer

Collins Cover Announcement 

Bicycling America

Road Racer

This individually watercolored cachet continues my mini-set of four for the attractive new biking stamps. In this one, the rider has just crossed the fmish line as he wins the race. The setting I chose for this sporting moment is Gettysburg National Military Park. I thought that would be a popular venue as America is now in the midst of observing the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War.

As with the previous cover that featured the Liberty Bell, the final two covers in this set will also include famous national landmarks that have great historic and patriotic significance. The cover for the Biking Road Racer as he crosses the finish line at Gettysburg is now ready. Collins #U5003 — 14.00.

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