Collins FDC Catalog
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U5004 / Scott 4688
Commuter Biking
Collins Cover Announcement
Bicycling America
Commuter Biking
This individually hand painted cachet is the fourth and final cover for my Bicycling. America set of four. The previous three cachets have featured the Liberty Bell. Gettysburg. National Miilitary Park, and the awesome presidential sculptures on Mount Rushmore. For this final cover in the series, we go to our nation's Capitol as a commuter bikes past the inspirational World War II Iwo Jima monument.
During the global conflict that engulfed most of the world during the 1940s, some of the most vicious and deadliest fighting took place on the Japanese occupied islands in the Pacific Ocean. Ultimately, United States forces landed on these islands to rid them of enemy troops. One of the most costly in terms of dead and wounded was Iwo Jima. Over six thousand Marines were killed, and over nineteen thousand were wounded. After over a month of fighting, the U.S. troops prevailed, and one of the most memorable moments of the entire war was the raising of the American Flag on Mount Suribachi.
More and more individuals are riding their bikes to work if circumstances permit. It provides a great way to exercise; it is environmentally friendly; and it is an enjoyable ongoing experience. This Washington, D.C. commuter has his work secured in the saddlebag, his helmet on for safety, and his daily pleasant ride past the Iwo Jima Marine Corps tribute. Collins #U5004 — $14.00.