Collins FDC Catalog
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W4905 / Scott 4596
Aloha Shirts
Fish & Starfish
Collins Cover Announcement
Aloha Stamps
The Island of Maui
A mother humpback whale and her baby swim in the South Pacific waters setting a wonderful topical tone for this individually hand painted cachet. The historical island personality on this cover is Queen Lili'uokalani who was the last monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii. She was born on September 2, 1858 and died on November 11, 1917. Delicious macadamia nuts are shown as they were introduced into the islands in 1882 and have been important to the Hawaiian economy ever since. Sandalwood is finely grained and retains its aromatic fragrance for decades. Essential oils are also extracted from this valued tree. Finally, scrimshaw is the name given to scrollwork, engravings, and carvings done in ivory or bone. It most often refers to the work done by whalers on teeth and bone, and an example is at the upper left on this cachet. In the 1800s, the Maui town of Lahaina was an important port for the whaling fleet.
This is the third cover offered to date in this mini-set of five. The island illustrations done in beautiful watercolors on each and every cachet make them something special. Make sure that your collection includes this lovely set which captures the unique history and present-day charm of our 50th state. Queen Lili'uokalani's island of Maui is now ready. Collins #W4905 at $14.00.