Collins FDC Catalog
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X5001 / Scott 4693
Miles Davis - Jazz Trumpet Player, Bandleader, and Composer
Collins Cover Announcements
Miles Davis
Jazz Trumpeter
Miles began bis professional musical career at age 16 and made his first studio recording at 18. Throughout the years thereafter from the 1940s into the 1970s, Davis was at the forefront of jazz musicians. He understood the value of experimentation and welcomed trying new styles that meant change and evolution. From bebop and cool jazz to fusion and funk, Miles was always willing to explore.
In addition to being a great soloist, he also was a talented bandleader and saw many musicians rise to fame while playing under his tutelage. Davis became very popular in France and thus the joint issue with French singer Edith Piaf who became very popular in America. I'll be offering her cover soon.
My individually hand painted cachet truly captures this great artist and his horn. Essayist Aaron Gilbreath writes, "Davis's precise, deft touch produced solos whose moods ranged from buoyant to brooding, mournful to sweet. " I'd like to think that this watercolored cachet captures that wonderful description. Now ready is the buoyant, brooding, mournful, sweet jazz musician supreme — trumpeter Miles Davis. Collins #X5001 - $14.00.