Collins FDC Catalog
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Y4901 / Scott 4614
Weather Vanes
Collins Cover Announcement
Weather Vanes
Old MacDonald's farm
Cow and Cat
Walk into any gift shop in America and you axe sure to find an array of items designed with the familiar image of the black and white Holstein dairy cow. An excellent rendition of this very collectible farm animal is the dominating image on this Collins hand painted First Day Cover. I think this will make it a desirable item to own above and beyond its being a part of my Old MacDonald's farm series.
Joining the large cow is the family cat sitting beside the old oaken bucket. Every farm had at least one cat to control the rodent population in the barn, chicken coop, and other out-buildings. The cow and the cat present a nice picture of rural America, and they join the horse and dog on the previously offered cover. The Collins cachet animals of Old MacDonald's farm continue to be assembled. Don't miss out on what promises to be a very distinctive and different set within the hobby. Make sure you acquire all five. Each one has the trotting horse weather vane vignette. The black and white milk cow and family cat cover is now ready. Collins #Y4901 at $14.00