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Collins FDC Catalog

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Y4905 / Scott 4613

Weather Vanes

Rooster on Perch

Collins Cover Announcement 

Weather Vanes

Old MacDonald's Farm

Sheep and Goat

This set is really taking shape as the fourth cachet in the series of five is now ready. A sturdy sheep and her lamb take their place in Old MacDonald's barnyard while, a short distance behind, a goat gives her an inquisitive look. We never had sheep at Collins Ponds when I was a boy, but we did have three goats for a long time. Dad wouldn't have won any prizes for original names — they were affectionately known as Whitey, Brownie, and Spotty.

As with all of the covers in this set, the trotting horse weathervane vignette is prominently featured. The sheep and goat join the horse, cow, pig, ducks, dog and cat on the three previous cachets. One more cover, to be offered soon, will complete the series. Old Macdonald's Sheep and Goat cover is now ready. Collins #Y4905 at $14.00.

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