Collins FDC Catalog
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Y5002 / Scott 4695
Major League Baseball All-Stars
Larry Doby
Collins Cover Announcement
Baseball All-Stars
Larry Doby
This cover is the final one in my All-Star mini-set of four as Larry Doby joins Ted Williams, Willie Starg.,e11, and Mickey Mantle to complete the series. Make sure you have them complete as sports, and especially baseball, are prime subjects for topical collectors, so they will always be sought-after items.
Doby was a centerfielder for the American League in seven consecutive All-Star Games. During his career he had almost a thousand runs batted in. Like many of the players during his era, he joined the military during World War II -and-served-in-the-Navy-until4946,-One-can-only wonder-what-his-statistics-would-have been-if-he-did-not-miss those years during his prime. All of us can be proud of these athletes who didn't shirk from their patriotic duty when America needed them.
Like his counterpart Jackie Robinson. Larry Doby was instrumental in breaking Major League Baseball's color barrier. He was the very first player to go directly to the Majors from the Negro Leagues. At age 23 he became the first black player to integrate the American League in 1947 when he signed with the Cleveland Indians. The next year he and teammate Satchel Paige, became the first black players to be part of a World Series championship team. Doby was also the first African-American player to hit a home run in both the World Series and the All-Star Game.
Now ready is my individually hand painted cover for a superb baseball player and a man of great personal courage. Major League All-Star Larry Doby. Collins #Z5002 at $14.00.